1hr 46min, NR Comedy/Drama
A Vickers Virtual Screening - On LineFlailing thirty-four-year-old Bridget (Kelly O’Sullivan) finally catches a break when she meets a nice guy and lands a much-needed job nannying six-year-old Frances (played by a scene-stealing Ramona Edith-Williams). But an unwanted pregnancy introduces an unexpected complication. To make matters worse, she clashes with the obstinate Frances and struggles to navigate a growing tension between Frances’s moms. Amidst her tempestuous personal relationships, a reluctant friendship with Frances emerges, and Bridget contends with the inevitable joys and shit-shows of becoming a part of someone else’s family.
Winner of 8 Awards including; Traverse City Film Festival, Audience awards at SXSW Film Festival, and the Chicago Critics Film Festival
Common Sense Media: Edgy Comedy/Drama, Adult Themes, Age 15 years+
By purchasing an “Virtual” Screening Ticket or streaming rental through the Vickers website, you’ll be SUPPORTING THE VICKERS and its staff, while the theater is closed.
Approximately 50% of your ticket purchase goes back to The Vickers.
We wish to thank Oscilloscope Labs and the many film distributors, who make this revenue generating opportunity possible.